Zone A (Bonus)

Ruang Iklan Bersama Mazidul

Ahad, 15 Mei 2011

Expose 13 Cinta Laila Sampai Di Sini

Saya amat yakin, berikut ini emel terakhir Laila hantar kepada saya. Lihat balasan emel saya kepadanya.


Honey good morning please do not give up non deposit the money back to your account yet i just called the courier officer he told me you are not picking his call when he try to call you bank after he saw your miss call please honey he we call you any minute from now and furnish you with the custom account to deposit the money please ensure and try to pick his call this time to avoid further delay i was even trying to call you yesterday you did not pick up and once you picked and said wrong number please honey dont let me down still try and call him if as soon as possible so i can have a rest of mind am very worried i love you.


Dear Laila.

Your Nigerian friend, 'Anthony Floyd' finally called me just now around 2.30 pm and demanded me to bank in that RM2,500 into a personal account, to be exact Maybank account.

Love, I know that you and your friends are dying to get that money but I am not as stupid as you thought.

In other words, YOU have been fooled.

I believe that you are a tough and musculur Nigerian man who are staying here in Malaysia, living with a student visa and are running this Nigerian scam.

Yeah! I have recorded the conversation and in a few hours, thousands of Malaysians would have better understanding about this particular scam.

Thank you for replying all my emails and believe me majority of Malaysians are getting smarter and with the information which I has been disseminating, hopefully they will not fall for that scam anymore .

Let me share an attached special picture with you and your friends.

11 ulasan:

  1. tak letih ke diorang ni buat kerja menipu..yang di luar sana tolonglah timbul kesedaran..
    btw pandai bro Mazidul trap diorang eh..

  2. ayat mesti manis, siapa kata lelaki tempatan tak pandai mengayat? contoh ada di depan mata, cuma lelaki tempatan lebih berterus-terang, bukan bermadah berpuisi tak ingat dunia sampai lari dari realiti~ :)

  3. Wow... Amazing job at trapping these scammers! I hope Malaysians will not be fooled by the obvious lies.

    Btw, call me a grammar/spelling nazi, but I feel compelled to show you a wrongly-spelt word in your email. I think the right spelling is 'disseminating', not 'disiminating'. Just a friendly reminder.

    Congrats on being a discerning person! Salam.

  4. Apalah istimewanya madah cinta berhari-hari? Suami nak panggil saya Sayang pun sya takmo. Geli pun hade. Sesekali tu barulah rasa ekslusif.

    Para wanita dan gadis yang mendambakan belaian lelaki yang berlebihan macam ni, sedar-sedarlah. Cinta tu lahir dari hati. Jangan harapkan sangat lelaki bersikap berlebihan. Yang lahir dari hati ituler yang terbaik, dari memaksa lelaki untuk tidak menjadi diri sebenar mereka. Lama-lama bosan juga nak berlakun sampai ke mati.

    Berdoa dan berusaha membaiki diri sendiri sudah.. dari mengharapkan pasangan menjadi romantik tak hingat...

  5. Pernah selalu dapat email mcm ni.tapi saya ni kurang faham bahasa org putih,tu buat tak tau jerr tu.tapi kan..kenapa wanita mudah tertipu dgn ayat manis mamat afrika ni.walhal,muka tak pernah tgk pun...duit byk sangat kot,tu yg suka2 deposit kat akaun yg tak dikenali.Bro Mazidul,saya percaya,lepas ni si 'Laila' tu mesti tak senang duduk punya.Nak pula tgk gambar yg bro attachkan tu.Cayalah!!

  6. Chek Mazidul, kite dulu pun pernah gak kena.. tapi nasib baik kite tak terpedaya... kite ikut gaya rentak tari dier.. tapi bila part dier mintak duit tu yang buat kite tak percaya... rasa2nya kite pernah email kat Mazidul 2 or 3 tahun yang lalu email2 yang pernah dier bagi n no telepon dier sekali... tapi tak tau laa chek Mazidul ader tgk ker tidak.. aper2 pun, baguslah scam ni berjaya ditumpaskan...

    Kekadang, rasa tertekan mencari teman sehidup yang membuatkan mereka mudah percaya and terjebak.. but apa2 pun, semoga Tuhan akan menunjukan jalan untuk mereka yang berada di jalan yang benar... :D

  7. salam en mazidul, sekali saya pon dapat sebijik la daripada laila mohd faisal []

    "Apa kabar,my name is laila mohd faisal,i am presently in Uk, My father is from (sabah) Malaysia and my mum from UK,i will be coming to Malaysia for my Vacation soon.i want us to be close before i come to Malaysia so that you can show me around Malaysia when i visit.please feel free to write me ,so we can get to know our self more. hope to hear from you,, my email is"

    keh keh keh, ada gamba siap ni baru je masuk sebentar tadi. adakah saya mangsa seterusnya .. jeng je jeng ....

  8. Ini email yg saya dapat pada 19Mei2011

    Apa kabar,my name is laila mohd faisal,i am presently in Uk, My father is from (sabah) Malaysia and my mum from UK,i will be coming to Malaysia for my Vacation soon.i want us to be close before i come to Malaysia so that you can show me around Malaysia when i visit.please feel free to write me ,so we can get to know our self more. hope to hear from you,, my email is

    sebijik seperti saudara Imran Nang.

  9. thumbs up for u bro..!! harap2 suma org yg baca artikel akan lebi berhati2...supaya x ditipu oleh mat2 nigeria nih...

  10. laila sekarang bernama HAFIDAT RASHID dan lebih skrip sama :)

  11. selalu sangat dapat email camtu,saya delete kan aje supaya tak terpengaruh.
