Zone A (Bonus)

Ruang Iklan Bersama Mazidul

Khamis, 12 Mei 2011

Expose 10 Laila Cuba Kelentong RM2,500

Honey good morning am in receipt of your forwarded message from the courier i am very worried i just call the courier to confirm the state of my parcel to you and was told that the parcel is in the desk of klia custom service AND YOU ARE NOT PICKING CALLS please honey i have 100,000 pound which is about 600,000 malaysia money i dont want to lose it to custom honey please help me to pay the RM2500 BY 11AM as promised malaysia money to claim the parcel then you can deduct all your expenses from my money when you receive it please honey dont let me down Delivery Officer In charge now in your country, please contact him +60146648264.

Love, I am really sorry. I lost my handphone yesterday.

It is not easy to get back my number since the phone operator here is quite slow in replacing my SIM card.

I have more than RM2,500 in my hand now but to whose account should I deposit the money into?

I am so sad since I have lost thousand of contact numbers :)

For your information, my eldest brother is Malaysian Custom Director General and of course he would be able to assist you, incase if you encounter any problem with the parcel here. So, you don't have to worry at all.

At the moment I don't feel like going out, just want to stay home and watching a movie, Fast and Furios.

If you really love me, please write this 'Aku kaki kelentong' at the end of every email that you would send to me. It means, 'I miss you' in my language.

It would really comfort me.


4 ulasan:

  1. haha..ayat takleh blah.."Aku kaki kelentong"...haha... sesiapa pun boleh tergoda ngan ada En. Mazidul nie..

  2. ahaha.. tak sbr tggu Expose 11!

  3. "Aku kaki kelentong" means I miss you.. wow.. patut masuk dalam kamus dewan bahasa dan pustaka

  4. Perlu berhati2.. rase nye byk dapt spam email mcm ni.. huhu.. sy tergelak bace "aku kaki kelantong = i miss u" .. HeBAT..!!
