but you have to promise me something, you have to be honest with me, i need no money from a man, i know my dear, you have such quality i need from a man. please honey don’t allow anything to come between the both of us, try your best to be honest to me, i need this information to send the gift i have for you,
Dear please send me your personnel details,
Your full Name:
Your full House Address:
Your Mobile or Contact Number:
And Email Address:
That i will use .This is my mobile number +447031899562, please my dear try your best to be very honest with me and my family. Have a blissful day. kissssssssss.hope to hear from you soon
Dear, probably you might not know that 'honesty' is my middle name :) Anyway, thanks for your quick reply ( I have been waiting for that) and those lovely pictures.
Sweet ...
Yeah, I was in love before but then something went wrong on the way to heaven, if you know what I mean.
Now, to tell you the truth, I am glad to have you. Actually, I asked God for a rose, God gave me a garden, I asked God for an angel and God has given me YOU.
For your information, as I stated in my last email, my boss has promoted me to a post of General Manager and I want to celebrate that sweetness of success with you.
Dear, when are you coming to Malaysia? I can't wait any longer.
Please make an arrangement so that you could come ealier. Do you want me to purchase your to and fro flight tickets? Just tell me, if you need it ok.
I ll be leaving to Brazil very soon, for a vacation, ALONE.
My full name : Kau, Penipu (kau is my first name and Penipu is my last name) but remember dear that I have a middle name, 'honesty' :) :)
Kau 'honesty' Penipu, you can write that down dear.
Address: No 23, Apartment Pendusta, 47300 Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Mobile : +60197003008
Email : ( I love to use my cat's name rather than my real name 'Kau Penipu' )
I promise that I would keep this just between two of us.
Please believe me.
Mazidul tu nama kucing, ek? Terkekeh2 kakcik ketawa memabacanya walaupun kakcik bukan faham BI (alaaa... BI si Laila tu pun macam tak pas peringkat SPM je, kan?) :)
BalasPadamHahahahaha! pasni ape plak dia reply yekkk? Can't wait. But brader Mazidul nih, i didn't know that you can actually write love letter. dahsattttt!
BalasPadamBro - semua email dia asyik tulis 'i am a malaysian from sabah' koh koh koh. Sekali tengok IP address dari area Cova, berhampiran University swasta dan hospital swasta di Kota Damansara. koh koh koh Rasanya memang orang Nigeria lah, email ditulis di meja makan Restoran mamak kot.
BalasPadamBukan laila je cair ni....adussssss! email cinta ni buatkan saya hampir jatuh kerusi
nak tunggu babak seterusnya..hak hak hak
BalasPadamadoiyay..abang mazidul ni buat pembaca gelak terbahak-bahak..saya nak pecah perut baca tang alamat rumah dan nama tu..
BalasPadamHARAMKAN JE WARGA AFRIKA MASUK MALAYSIA, buat semak jek, dah la byk kes buat dajal kat msia, kerajaan patut lakukan sesuatu, jgn nnt smpai rakyat ambik tindakan sendiri, jgn nnt polis di cop berani ketuk rakyat sendiri tapi bila warga asing cam afrika dan bangla wat hal polis lembut lidah...